--------------------------------------------------------------- :: Doc Finder ---------------------------------------------------------------- Short Description: Ajax powered search and replace for the manager. Version: 1.7 Created by: Bogdan Günther (http://www.medianotions.de - bg@medianotions.de) ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Description ---------------------------------------------------------------- At some point big MODx sites are difficult to handle with the document tree in the manager. Or you just want to check all the documents of your site containing a specific text? Doc Finder offers a fast Ajax powered search and replace for the manager with neatly arranged results and one click edit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Copyright & Licencing ---------------------------------------------------------------- GNU General Public License (GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) ----------------------------------------------------------------- :: Installation: ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Copy the folder docfinder to /assets/modules/. 2. Open the Modules > Manage Modules in the manager. 3. Create a new module called Doc Finder 1.7. 4. Insert include(MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/modules/docfinder/index.php'); as module code. 5. Save the new Doc Finder module. 6. Reload the manager to make Doc Finder appear in the modules section. ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Live demo: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Try the life demo at trymodx.com: URL: http://docfinder.trymodx.com/manager/ Login: demo_user / demo_user --------------------------------------------------------------- :: Changelog: --------------------------------------------------------------- 05-June-16 (1.7) -- Translateable 05-March-14 (1.6.1) -- MODX Evolution package format 08-April-10 (1.6) -- Updated appearance for MODx Evolution -- Updated and bugfixed calendar funtions. (Contribution by goldsky) 22-January-09 (1.5.2) -- Replaced PHP short tags with PHP long tags. (Contribution by goldsky) -- Removed OnBeforeDocFormSave and OnDocFormSave events in the replace function after controversial formu discussions wether this event calls belog there or not. 01-December-08 (1.5.1) -- Added OnBeforeDocFormSave and OnDocFormSave events to the replace function. 13-September-08 (1.5) ** Resources added to Doc Finder. You can search and replace now in Templates, Template Variables, Chunks, Snippets, Plugins, and Modules. ** JavaScript table sorting added using Mootools and "sortable table" by phatfusion (www.phatfusion.net) ** Added the possibility to search within date ranges for ceated on and edited on date fields with AJAX date picker by R. Schoo (http://www.base86.com). -- Splitted search options in differnet tabs to gain a better overview -- Added an the option "Search content only" to optionally narrow down the search to the content of documents and resources only. -- Restructured and optimized plenty of code. 23-Jun-08 (1.2.1) -- Fixed a HTML encoding problem that would display special characters wrong if the manager frameset would not use UTF-8 as charset. -- Fixed a PHP bug that displayed special characters wrong in the search history and the replace history -- Fixed a JS bug that prevented the search history and the replace history to work properly in some cases. -- Fixed a PHP bug related to case sensitive search. 16-Jun-08 (1.2) ** Replace functionality added. -- Added a history for the replace terms. -- Adapted results header info. -- Added a counter row to the results table. -- Fixed some CSS issues with Internet Explorer 7 -- Replaced "info", "edit" and "open" texts in the results table with icons. -- Fixed a PHP bug that would cause a wrong display of published and hidemenu classes if the result was found in the documents TVs only. -- Fixed a PHP bug that caused SQL errors with mySQL encodings different then UTF-8. -- Fixed a PHP bug in the branch print function. 19-Apr-08 (1.1) ** Search within parents added. ** Regular expressions are supported now. -- Search history shows empty status now. -- Fixed info link in the results list. -- Fixed a PHP bug: NOT and AND NOT in the search string are working now. -- Fixed a PHP bug that would cause a SQL error in case sensitive searches including the document id. -- Fixed a couple of HTML errors. -- Addes a Link to "Site > Home" for the branch with the id=0. 05-Apr-08 (1.0) ** Ajax powered results loading. ** Remembers your search options for the whole session. ** Edit, view or open a document with one click. ** See the position of the document in the document tree. ** See in which TV the search string has been found ** Use AND, OR or NOT in your search. ** Search in all TVs or just in specific ones.